For beginners - discover scuba Diving
With this program, you can dive in open water with our instructor even if you don’t have a certification. You just need a brief theory lesson and some simple skills practice in shallow water. Then you can enjoy diving under guidance. This program does not grant a certification!
Take This Course If You Want to:
- Find out if you like scuba diving
- Connect with the underwater world
- Take your first breaths underwater
- Decide if you want to be a certified diver
You will learn How to:
- Use scuba gear
- Use hand signs to communicate
- Perform basic scuba skills

You don't need any certification Prior certification to book this program!
- Prerequisites: Able to swim; medically fit for diving
- eLearning time commitment: 20-30 min
- Total time commitment: 2-3 hours
- Minimum age: 10 years or older
Note: All the courses and programs must be booked separately.